
Saturday, 11 February 2017

ข้อสอบภาษาอังกฤษ ข้อสอบเตรียมทหาร ข้อสอบนายร้อย สอบเข้าทหาร โรงเรียนนายร้อยพระจุลจอมเกล้า(นายร้อย จปร.) ประจำปี 2535

ข้อสอบภาษาอังกฤษ สอบเข้าเป็นนักเรียนเตรียมทหารในส่วนของกองทัพบก (นายร้อย จปร.) จำนวน 50 ข้อ ภาษาอังกฤษ ประจำปี พ.ศ. 2535 คำตอบสีส้ม คือเฉลย
   - ข้อสอบแบ่งเป็น 3 ส่วน (Three Parts)
       Part I   :  Vocabulary  17 ข้อ
       Part II  :  English Structure And Usages 18 ข้อ
       Part III :  Reading Comprehension 15 ข้อ

Part I : Vocabulary

A. Fill in the blank in each sentence with the appropriate word from the choices given

1. The rain is coming through the ............ in the upstairs bedroom.
     1. ceiling
     2. roof
     3. sky
     4. wall

2. They played football on a wet , muddy field and come home with ......... clothes.
     1. tidy
     2. dusty
     3. polished
     4. filthy

3. It's very dark in here. Why don't you draw the .............. and let in some light?
     1. lines
     2. curtains
     3. lamps
     4. window

4. When you heat the water to 100 C it .........
     1. hot 
     2. melts
     3. vapory
     4. boils

5. Have you ever eaten .......... fish ? It's very popular in Japan.
     1. salt
     2. icy
     3. raw
     4. preserve

6. I bought myself a very good bicycles so that I could do a lot of ...... at the weekends.
     1. driving
     2. cycling
     3. playing
     4. riding

7. Good speakers never ......... . They always speaks very clearly.
     1. mumble
     2. whisper
     3. gossip
     4. scold

B. Select the one answer 1,2,3 or 4 which comes closest to the meaning of the underlined word or phrase in the sentence

8. Accidents sometimes occur in the factory
     1. prevent
     2. stay
     3. happy
     4. take over

9. We can call for our grades at the office next Tuesday
     1. give
     2. get
     3. take
     4. ask

10. There are stop signs all over the place.
     1. everywhere 
     2. over there
     3. all together
     4. many places

11. Gold is used very much in jewelry manufacturing.
     1. expensively
     2. intensively
     3. extensively
     4. exclusively

12. Today's football match has been postponed because of bad weather . They will play next Thursday instead.
     1. cancelled
     2. delayed
     3. skipped
     4. eliminated

C.Select the word that is opposite in meaning to the key word underlined in each sentence.

13. This is the wrong time to ask for help.
     1. faulty
     2. rough
     3. right
     4. ready

14. His wealth can't prevent him to behave as he needs.
     1. riches
     2. poverty
     3. weakness
     4. strength

15. She was so quiet that her presence was hardly noticed.
     1. absence
     2. innocence
     3. difference
     4. sentence

16. The weatherman forecasts that the severe storm will come down to the north of Thailand tomorrow night.
     1. serious
     2. hash
     3. fatal
     4. mild

17. Every wants him to reveal his reason.
     1. explain
     2. hide
     3. disclose
     4. make clear

Part II  : English Structure And Usages
A. Choose the best choice for each of the following items.

18. This is an interesting book.It is the .....................
     1. more interesting book I have ever read.
     2. interesting book I had ever read.
     3. most interesting book which I had ever read.
     4. most interesting book I have ever read.

19. I bought this book .........
     1. for study prepositions.

     2. for to study prepositions.
     3. to study prepositions.
     4. study prepositions.

20. ............. is done to remove the decayed part of the tooth.
     1. To drill
     2. Drilling
     3. Fill
     4. Filling

21. He said he ................
     1. had to go to the library.
     2. have to go to the library.
     3. has to go to the library
     4. had go to the library.

22. My brother wants to buy ...........
     1. a small brown dark kangaroo Australian leather belt.
     2. a small dark brown leather Australian kangaroo belt.
     3. a dark brown small Australian leather kangaroo belt.
     4. a small dark brown Australian kangaroo leather belt.

23. Turn the switch to "OFF" ;.............. you will damage the battery.
     1. otherwise
     2. since
     3. however
     4. as though

24. The news is given ................ in the news stories.
     1. clearly
     2. subjective
     3. objectively
     4. interesting

25. Seven years in prison ............. the penalty that he had to pay.
     1. are
     2. was
     3. were
     4. would be

26. Which is the correct sentence ?
     1. A strange car followed we closely , and he kept blinking his lights at us.
     2. A strange car followed us closely , and it kept blinking the light at us.   
     3. A strange car followed us closely , and the driving kept blinking his light at us.   
     4. A strange car followed we closely , and it kept blinking the light at us.   

27. Select the correct sentence.
     1. The small car,having only four cylinders ,was inexpensive to drive.
     2. Because the small car has four cylinders,it was inexpensive to drive.
     3. The small car which only four cylinders were inexpensive to drive.
     4. The small car was inexpensive , had only four cylinders.

B. Read the following passage carefully, then choose the best choice to fill in each space.
     The Salticids or jumping spiders are the tiniest of spiders .They vary from one-tenth __28___ seven-tenths of an inch __29__ ,depending upon their species __30__ their ages .They are __31__ easily seen because of __32__ small sizes and because they are not web-spinners. However , __33__ minute creatures are found __34__ everywhere. There is scarcely an area on earth where at least one or two __35__ do not make their home.

     1. by
     2. to
     3. till
     4. and

     1. length
     2. high
     3. long
     4. width

     1. and 
     2. also
       3. with
     4. for

     1. often
     2. barely
     3. not
     4. never

     1. some
     2. its
     3. the
     4. their

     1. several
     2. these
     3. many
     4. the

     1. them
     2. likely
     3. nearly
     4. at

     1. categories
     2. kinds
     3. spiders
     4. species

Part III : Reading Comprehension

A. Read the following articles,then choose the best answer (1,2,3 or 4 )

Excerpt a.

June   Volume 7 No.5
10  The Artificial Heart : Can it Save Lives ?
      By Terence Monmaney
      A special report .
22  How to Watch Monkeys By Susan Walton
      Jeanne Altmann discovered how female baboons cantrol a harem
30  Test the Talking Cure By Nikki Meredith
45  When Drugs Work By Joseph Alper
      Sometimes valium really is best.
54  Toy Universes By Carla Reiter
60  Science in Pictures By Susan Arritt

36. From the table of contents , this magazine is about 
     1. medical science
     2. biology
     3. general science
     4. technology

37. The leading article in the magazine is on page
     1. 10
     2. 30
     3. 45
     4. 54

Sorry For Samui
SIR : For Several years I have stayed on Koh Samui for long periods. I find the island attractive for several reasons,mainly because it still is (without an airport) fairly quiet and unspoilt.
         But I find a new development which is really frightening and might eventually keep many fellow travellers like me away.
         Why is it still possible for motorcyclists to drive like madmen on the island's roads on very powerful and noisy motorbikes?
                                                                                P. Madsem
                                                                                Siljan, Norway

38. From the letter, you know that
     1. travellers go to Koh Samui for its quietness.
     2. travellers are not going to Koh Samui anymore.
     3. Koh Samui is not quiet now.
     4. There are more motorcycles now.

39. The writer might leave Koh Samui because
     1. he had been there for a long time.
     2.  motorbikes are so noisy.
     3. there will be fewer travellers coming to the islands
     4. he has afraid of the motorcyclists who drove like madmen


Airlines : There are several flights daily from Bangkok to Manila and back .Listed here are such a few direct flights:
                                                                                 Departing Bangkok        Arriving Manila
Sun.   Philippines Airlines                                                  14:35                             19:20
Mon. Thai International                                                      10:20                             15:10
Tue.   S.A.S.                                                                        12:05                             16:45
Wed.  Philippine   Airlines                                                  14:35                             19:20
Thur.  Thai International                                                     10:20                             15:10
Fri.     Sabeena                                                                     10:00                             14:45
           S.A.S                                                                        12:05                             16:45
Sat.     Thai International                                                    10:20                              15:10

                                                                                 Departing Manila        Arriving  Bangkok
Sun.   Thai International                                                      14:40                             17:30
Man.  Philippine Airlines                                                    19:50                              22:20
Tue.   Thai International                                                      14:40                              1730
Wed   S.A.S                                                                         14:55                              17:30
Thur.  Japan Airlines                                                           15:00                              17:40
Fri.     Pakistan Airlines                                                       19:50                              22:20
          Thai International                                                       14:40                             17:30
Sat.    S.A.S                                                                          14:55                             17:30
          Pakistan Airlines                                                        20:35                             22:30

Return Fares : Bangkok-Manila-Bangkok : Economy Bt . 880.00,
First Class  Bt. 3,960.00   Departing Passengers are charges a terminal fee of P. 4.00 at Manila International Airport.

40. You have an appointment in Manila on Monday at 13:00 , and have to urgently return to Bangkok by 9:00  on Tuesday
     Which flight will you take from Bangkok to Manila and Manila to Bangkok?
     1. Sun. Philippine Airlines - Mon. Philippines Airlines
     2. Sun. Philippine Airlines - Mon. Thai International
     3. Mon.Thai International - Mon. Philippines Airlines
     4. Mon.Thai International - Tue. Thai International

41. This schedule ............ from Bangkok to Manila an back.
     1. gives directions of travelling
     2. informs about the flights
     3. suggests different flights
     4. reports on flights

B. Read each paragraph carefully .Then choose the best answer from the instruction given.
     Flares can be used effectively  by day or night.The light or cloud of smoke can be seen for a great distance in clear weather and for several hundred feet in a fog .But flares must not used carelessly .They can easily ignite dry grass or bush along the highway.

42. The best topic is :
     1. Fire Danger from Flares
     2. The use and Misuse of Flares
     3. The use of Flares by Day and Night
     4. Getting Rid of Dry Grass Along the Highway

     From the earliest times men have traveled on water .They made their settlements near water,and they used it for their animals and plants. Later on, the rivers and then the seas became man's highways. Wars have been waged and treaties signed, and civilizations have lived and died because of water.

43. The best topic is :
     1. Rivers and Seas as Highways
     2. The Importance of Water to Man
     3. Civilizations of the Past
     4. The Way of Travelling in the Earliest Times

     A  major handicap of young people and adults in getting good jobs is not necessarily lack of intelligence . Often it is the lack of ability to read well enough to meet the job demands.

 44. The main idea is :
     1. The great problem to get good jobs is handicapped by young people and adults .
     2. Lack of intelligence is never a handicap in getting a job.
     3. Many industries now after training in reading for their employees.
     4. The chance for employment rests in part upon the ability to read.

     One problem with the modern Olympics is that that have gotten so big and so expensive to operate . A city or country often loses a lot of money by staging the games . A stadium , pool, and playing fields are built for the many events and housing is built for the athletes , but it is used for only two weeks. In 1984 , Los Angeles solved these problems by charging companies for permission to be official sponsors and by using many buildings that were already there.

45. the main idea is :
     1.  The companies are charged to be official sponsors in the Olympic  games.
     2. Los Angeles solved the problems.
     3. The modern Olympics wasted lots of money in the operation.
     4. Many buildings were built to use in Olympic games.

     On a sunny in 1967, fisherman on Lake Michigan struggled with his nets. They were caught on something under the water . He pulled hard , but his nets would not come free. The next day he and friend returned to the same spot with scuba gear. At the depth of fifty feet,the two men stared hard at the "something" that had fouled the nets. It was an old sailing ship . And it seemed to be moving toward them.They swam quickly to the surface and reported their find to the Coast Guard. Old newspapers revealed that the ship was the schooner Gabriel that had set sail in June of 1864 and had never returned to port . The ship was in such fine condition that the fisherman spent the next two years and all his money bringing the ship to the surface . It is now open to the public as a floating museum.

46. The main idea of the passage id :
     1. A fisherman and the Coast Guard looked for the Gabriel.
     2. The Gabriel was accidentally found by a fisherman.
     3. The ship which the fisherman found was a schooner called the Gabriel.
     4. Lost ships are usually made into floating museum.

47. After the fisherman had found the ship, for the following two years he.........
     1. made a new floating museum.
     2. spent all his money building ship.
     3. quited a job as a friend  and became the owner of a floating museum.
     4. brought the ship out of the lake and repaired it to be shown to the public.

48. We can conclude from the selection that ..................
     1. the average depth of Lake Michigan is fifty feet.
     2. the Gabriel found the nets of many fishermen.
     3. lost ships are sometimes found years later.
     4. the Coast Guard helps ships that are in trouble.

C. Choose the appropriate headline for each of the following items.

49. Sydney, Australia (UPI) - The father of a light aircraft pilot who disappeared mysteriously over Bass Strait in October after reportedly sighting an unidentified object has appealed to Oceanographer Jacques Cousteau for help in searching for his son.
     1. Searching for the disappeared pilot
     2. Appearing of an unidentified object
     3.The oceanographer was asked for help
     4. the father of light aircraft pilot got lost

50. San Francisco, California (AP) - Like Santa Clauses in reverse, thieves slipped through a sky light in the roof of a museum here and made off with a million-dollar Rembrandt and three other Dutch-Renaissance paintings.
     1. A million-dollar painting stolen
     2. Stealing money in the museum
     3. Getting into the museum by the fake Santa Clauses
     4.Thieves attacked the museum

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